If you’re interested in earning extra money on the side from the comfort of your own home, Global Test Market may be just the solution for you. It requires very little effort on your part and you will get paid to give your opinions! This Global Test Market review will attempt to answer some questions you may have before you sign up. Among the issues this Global Test Market review will address are:
- What Global Test Market is
- How it works
- Who can join and how
- How the payment process works
What is Global Test Market?
Global Test Market is a popular research organization that serves close to 1500 clients all over the world. Established in 1999, the company is deemed a business leader, has developed a reputation for trustworthiness and is well-respected. It is also received quite favorably by its members.
How it works
The company offers online surveys on a wide range of topics, everything from restaurants and cars to laundry products and other household items. They use consumer opinions to improve existing products or develop and market new ones. Once you join Global Test Market, you will receive a number of surveys on different topics. You may receive an average of three to four surveys per day. A survey normally takes 15-20 minutes to complete.
Keep in mind that you will have to qualify for a survey before you can take it. You will usually have a few questions about your age, gender, income and marital status that will be used to screen your eligibility. Some products target specific demographics. For example, you might disqualify for a survey on baby food if you do not have children. Even if you do not qualify, however, you may be rewarded with a sweepstakes entry just for trying.
Who can join and how
Anyone aged fourteen and older from any country can join. There is no fee to join. You simply fill out the information requested on the registration form online, which includes your name, address, birth date and e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail requesting you to activate your account. Once you do that, you will start receiving surveys.
How the payment process works
Each survey is worth a specified number of points, usually 30 to 80 points. Each point equals five cents. However, you must reach a minimum 1000 points to cash out, which amounts to $50.00. Payments are currently made by check, but the company is gearing towards making payments available via PayPal in the near future. We hope you found this Global Test Markey review helpful. Now go out there and make some free money!
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